The Conference:

On 26th of September 2018, the Safe4RAIL and CONNECTA consortium met in Paris at the Le Salon des Miroirs in order to present the project’s final results on the blueprint for the next-generation TCMS to interested stakeholders mainly from Europe as well as from Asia as well with respect to the railway sector. The Final Conference was organized as a joint event between the Call-for-Member (CFM) project CONNECTA (730539, and its complementary action project Safe4RAIL and welcomed an audience of around 120 participants to this very successful and factful event.

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Topics & Contents:

Within the frame of the Joint Final Conference and according to the motto “more functionality and interoperability, lower system complexity and cost”, the conference focused on the final solutions and results of Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking projects with respect to next-generation TCMS. As a result, the following topics were presented:

  • Drive-by-Data: Robust, modular and safe mixed-criticality Ethernet networking technology for electronic control.
  • Functional Distribution Framework: Robust, modular and safe mixed-criticality middleware to provide abstraction from underlying platform hardware.
  • Distributed Simulation Framework: Simulation of in-train communication networks with co-simulated end-systems to improve early validation of functionality, timing, reliability and safety.
  • Train-to-Ground Communication: Development of train-side and ground-side equipment according to IEC 61375-2-6 and corresponding interoperability test environment.
  • Wireless Train Backbone: First tests in the field, under real operational conditions, of this cornerstone for the virtual coupling of trains.
  • Brake-by-Wire: Concept development for fully electronic control architecture for high-safety braking subsystem.
  • Functional Open Coupling: To achieve the full interoperability at functional level, allowing consists of different manufacturers or implementing different functions to couple.
  • Application Profiles: Syntactic and semantic standardisation of consist functions for easier integration and certification.

Throughout the day, the conference was accompanied by several graphical as well as a physical demonstrator, located in the conference room at the Le Salon Des Miroirs.

Materials & Presentations:

Interested in the materials and publications from the Final Conference? Please find below a list of given presentations and their downloadable versions.

Slot   Title   Presenter   Download
#00   Final Conference Presentations  *** Cumulative ***   ALL   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 8.05 MB ]
#01   General Presentation of CONNECTA & Safe4RAIL   Javier Goikoextxea (CAF),
Arjan Geven (TTTech)
  [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.04 MB ]
[ ► Video on Safe4RAIL ]
#02   Welcome and Background on Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking   Sébastien Denis (JU)   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.48 MB ]
#03   General Specifications of next generation TCMS   Stefan Tesar (Deutsche Bahn)   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.53 MB ]
#04   Drive-by-Data (DbD) and Intergrated Modular Platform (IMP)   Gernot Hans (Bombardier)   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.98 MB ]
#05   Functional Distribution Framework (FDF)   Iñigo Odriozola (Ikerlan),
Xabier Artaetxebarria (CAF)
  [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.86 MB ]
#06   Integrated FDF and DbD Demonstrator   Arjan Geven, Iñigo Odriozola,
Maryam Pahlevan (Uni. Siegen)
  [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.94 MB ]
#07   Application Profiles   Thomas Waschulzik (Siemens)   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.57 MB ]
#08   Functional Open Coupling   Vincent Mayeux (Alstom)   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.94 MB ]
#09   Virtual Certification   Mikel Colera (CAF)   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 7.11 MB ]
#10   Electronic Brake-by-Wire   Angelo Grasso (Faiveley),
Ugo Prosdocimi (Eletech)
  [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 7.10 MB ]
#11   Wireless Train2Ground   Armin Heindel (Siemens),
Richard Pecl (UniControls)
  [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.59 MB ]
#12   Wireless Train Backbone   Igor Lopez (CAF)   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.93 MB ]
[ ► Video on WLTB ]
#13   Revisiting InnoTrans Demonstrator   Javier Goikoextxea (CAF)   [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 6.26 MB ]
[ ► Video on InnoTrans Demo ]