Phase 1 – State of the Art

The Safe4RAIL project starts with an exploratory inventory of technology and solutions from the aerospace, automotive and railway domains with regards to system-level, embedded platform with networking, computing, functional distribution, safety and security analyses.

Phase 2 – Requirements and Technology Assessment

The traceability of requirements is a baseline essential for the knowledge transfer, future system development and system platform demonstration activities. The concepts and methodology for the design, configuration, integration, analysis, simulation and verification of subsystems are as essential as the set of principles, components, and networking capabilities enabling the definition of advanced integrated systems, so that they can be certified and commissioned by railway authorities.

Phase 3 – Proof of Concepts and SIL4 Brake Use Case

The outcome of the activities will be validated by means of proof-of-concept demonstrators. The proof-of-concepts show the viability of the defined networks and embedded platforms for “drive-by-data” systems to host SIL4 functions and have all properties required for the TCMS system certification. The Brake-by-Wire activities and design concepts for electronics brakeby- wire system as an exemplary SIL4 can be placed and hosted on the same Safe4RAIL TCMS platform.