From 18th to 21st of September 2018, Safe4RAIL took part in the InnoTrans 2018 fair, where Safe4RAIL's demonstrator was presented for the first time to the public.

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The core objective of Safe4RAIL is to provide a platform able to integrate safety-critical and non-critical train functions into one common converged platform for communication and computation. In the project, a proof-of-concept for this common Integrated Modular Platform has been developed resulting in a demonstrator. In detail, this demonstrator focuses on the following aspects:

  • Communication: A tight control of network end-to-end latency regardless of network load and a new network topology, which results in less expensive components and a safe communication with fewer (but redundant) components.
  • Computation platform: A framework that facilitates modular integration of applications and enables interoperability in order to open a new way of linkage different platforms, devices and (operating) systems.