From 20th to 21st of March, 2018, the Safe4RAIL consortium met for the 4th technical project meeting in Bologna (Italy) at NIER premises.

The first day was dedicated to give an overview of the current status of all work packages, as well as the planned next steps. Furthermore, CAF gave a presentation on CONNECTA Updates. After lunch break, the risk management and mitigation in the different work packages were performed. Furthermore, the team talked about the dissemination roadmap and started planning of future joint activities. The rest of the afternoon was spent in WP4 discussions and a presentation on the preliminary hazard analysis. In the evening, the consortium met again for a delightful dinner, where discussions continued in a less formal atmosphere.

Besides the inventarisation of demonstrator activities on the second day of the meeting, in-depth discussions on WP1, WP2 and WP3 took place. Followed on the technical slots, the assessment of milestone 5 was discussed and intermediate concept designs presented. As a result, MS5 was successfully achieved, and therefore the meeting was concluded with an overview on past and upcoming deliverable submissions and their impact on the last milestone of the project, namely milestone 6. Last but not least some general administrative issues were discussed and preparatory steps towards the next face to face meeting was taken.

All in all it was a very successful meeting, providing many inputs for future developments in the Safe4RAIL project.