On 14th and 15th of December 2016, the Safe4RAIL team met in Berlin for technical discussions and catching up with deliverable deadlines.

Due to the duration of 2 years, lofty aims and a high workload, partners already worked intensively on the requirements definition during the first 3 project months. The first day started with a recap of the past project months for each work package and status updates on the upcoming Deliverables. The following public deliverables will be submitted by the end of December to the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking:

  • D1.1 State-of-the-Art Document describes state-of-the art in integrated system development and Ethernet networking technology in aerospace and automotive industry, and provides a general high-level technology baseline required for design of advanced integrated architectures.
  • D4.1 Requirements definition for Brake by Wire contains the collection of information necessary for the definition of requirements. A first iteration of brake system and electronic control and communication requirements will be provided.
  • D5.1 Internal and external IT communication infrastructure and project website provides guidelines for communication from Safe4Rail to external target groups including conferences, marketing measures and communication channels. It outlines its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievement. This deliverable constitutes the internal Safe4RAIL communication infrastructure (mailing lists, subversion server and the Safe4RAIL website).
  • D6.1 Project quality plan (the project handbook) constitutes a set of project templates, explanations on the project management process, review process, quality checks, meeting organization, which is communicated to all partners.

The second day was dedicated to work package or rather topic specific sessions. The consortium focused on requirement discussions for each work package and discussed the state of the art regarding networking, application architectures, simulation as well as braking itself. The discussions were fruitful and paved the way towards upcoming goals.

Technical Meeting Berlin     Technical Meeting Berlin

Technical Meeting Berlin